Why Choose us?
At ANDCA ONLINE, we understand the importance of education and community.
Choose from a flexible array of 100% accredited online courses.
Learn at your own pace. Anytime. Anywhere... It’s your journey.
Affordable tuition available for every student.
We believe in strengthening individuals and families.
What We Do
ANDCA ONLINE can be home to more than 20,000 students and with a wide variety of interests, ages and backgrounds, the Academy reflects the city’s dynamic mix of populations. Arise offers the kind of education needed for leadership in a rapidly changing world.
How We Do It
With an enduring dedication to the pursuit of excellence, Arise offers unparalleled student experiences across a broad spectrum of academic environments. Explore ANDCA ONLINE extensive, world-class online learning opportunities.
Knowledge Is Power
We are dedicated to expanding and sharing knowledge, inspiring innovation, and preserving cultural information for future generations.
Be Inspired.
We strive to fulfill our mission with excellence and urgency.